Flight Simulator Files




Casino Express
This package includes the Boeing 737-200 done by FFX / Eric Cantu

Model by Erick Cantu, FDE by Mike Baumann. Wings, Internals and Engines repainted by Henry William
Fuselage and Tailfin repainted by Carsten "Simplex" Sickora

Thanks to "Supah" and "Mainframe"

All logos and names are trademark of their respective owners and are only used for this free distribution







RAF Gazelle in UN service. Black/Green camouflage was used on Cyprus. See pictures here. The Black/Green was made on my request and from my pictures.
The Gray/Green is made from photos found on the net.
You will need Cyril Pioffet's GMAX Gazelle which can be found on www.hovercontrol.com

Textures made by Andy Nott.


Flight Plans