Hawker Hurricane





Russian MK.IIb   Hurricane MK.IIb (Z2899) painted all black and RAF markings overpainted withgreen and red star. RAF_Loke

RNoAF Mk.IIc   Hawker Hurricane Mk.IIc, Royal Norwegian Air Force.
Delivered to No.22 MU in 1944, was a period at No.1695 Bombing Development Flight, after that placed in stock. The machine originally had serial number LF575, but this was cancelled at the transfer to RNoAF. It was given to RNoAF in 1947 and went to Luftforsvarets Tekniske Skolesenter (LTS) (The Air Defense Technical School Center) in Kjevik. It was only used as instruction material; later it was put aside for a future museum.
However it was damage when the hangar roof collapsed because of large snow quantity in March 1954, and after that it was scrapped.

Information comes from IPMS Limtuben Vol.3 No. 2, from an article about Kjevik Airfields 50 years anniversary written by Bjørn Hafsten.

Special thanks goes to Bjørnar Norås for providing the 3 view images I have used to make this skin.

RDAF Mk.IIc   RDAF Hurricane in colours of Danish Army uniforms used today. Generic skin also avalible. RAF_Loke

US Mk.IIc   US Hurricane, from HMS Chaser. Crash landed at St. Leu, Algeria on November 8th, 1942, just after the initial Operation "Torch" Allied landing there. RAF_Loke

303 Sqn. Mk.I   Thirteen Battle of Britain Hurricanes of 303 (Polish) Squadron.  I used parts of templates by Serval and Ian Boys, internals by Flybyshooter, and did a bunch of other stuff on my own, including redoing the insignia to the correct dimensions for the time period.  All the squadron letters and serial numbers are correct

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